Tag: anxiety

Understanding Anxiety: What Does It Feel Like?

Anxiety develops differently for each individual, so it’s up to you to learn more about the condition and talk to a doctor about what you’re feeling. At Sunstone Counseling, we recognize the profound effect that anxiety can have on an individual’s life, and it can be challenging to comprehend at times. Here are a few things to look for when experiencing symptoms of anxiety and what you can do to get help.

How to Navigate Difficult Conversations this Holiday Season and Beyond

As we gather with friends and family for the holiday season, current events will likely be a topic of conversation with differing opinions involved. Now more than ever it’s critical that we possess the tools to have difficult but healthy conversations with people in our lives. Learn how you can manage your responses to stressful situations, including setting healthy boundaries, in order to respond to potentially conflictual conversations with intention and respect for both yourself and others.

3 Breathing Exercises to Help Reduce Stress and Anxiety

The body is our vessel of life, our tool for engaging with the world around us, and our protector. For many of us, anxiety takes us out of our bodies and locks us in our thoughts about the past or the future. Thankfully, when we are jolted into an anxious state, simple breathing exercises can help turn on the rest response in the body through activation of the parasympathetic nervous system and stimulation of the vagus nerve. Here are three simple breathing exercises that help reduce stress and anxiety.

4 Mindfulness Exercises You Can Practice Anytime, Anywhere

Mindfulness is an ancient practice that encourages us to be engaged with ourselves and the world around us without judgement. Many of us are stuck thinking about the past or worrying about the future that we don’t spend much time in the present moment at all. Getting started with a mindfulness practice doesn’t have to be complicated. Here are four brief exercises you can try at any time, in any place.

60 Second Anxiety Break

By: MJ Harford, MA Counselor in Residence Acceptance is a key skill in managing and reducing anxiety. Acceptance doesn’t have to look deep or complicated, it can be as simple as identifying what is and what isn’t within our control. The COVID19 virus has changed all of our lives; things may be more difficult and more… Read more »

The Physical Side of Anxiety in Children and Adolescents

Often, children and their caregivers do not realize anxiety can have physical effects. Children can experience various physical symptoms related to anxiety such as stomach aches, headaches, indigestion, muscle tension, nausea, fatigue, sleep disruption, and restlessness. Physical symptoms like these should always first be medically explored to rule out other underlying causes. That being said, these types of symptoms are often produced by anxiety.

3 Important Mental Health Benefits of Physical Exercise

We know exercise has many physical health benefits, but there are also mental health benefits of exercise. If you needed a few more reasons to head to the gym, take a walk, or sign up for that yoga class, consider these three mental health benefits of regular exercise.